terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

A reply to annoying behaviors from "smart people"

So my friend Antonio wrote something on his blog about annoying behaviors from "Smart People".
I agree 100% with him, but I have some things to say myself.

For me, the most annoying behavior from "smart" people is most definitely, the "blabberish". I explain: these people have an intriguing compulsion of talking endlessly, about ANYTHING, just to keep ALL the spotlights turned to them non-stop. I think that serves a handful of purposes listed below. Note they are, in a sense, chained by a logical order of "purpose", related by "cause and effect".

1) If they keep talking non-stop, they attract all the attention. Being the attention whores they are, if they keep people IMAGINING how "intelligent" they are, they satisfy their egos and by doing so, they DO THINK they are intelligent - and in some cases, some people really buy that, which gives them confidence. So...

2) ...by retaining attention, they control the flow of the "dialogue" (or anything you can call that way). They can choose what to say, never giving you the opportunity of bringing a subject out of their scope of knowledge. This way they are free to continue to dump whatever they want into the conversation. It's safer for them, because they are able to proceed with their script of boring and pseudo-smart/hipster talk. With control in their hands...

3) ...they can throw all types and kinds of subjects THEY CAN TALK ABOUT into the conversation, thus creating a false perception on people's mind that they "know" a lot of things. This is usually lame. As previously cited on the original post, they tend to rely on the "how bizarre, unknown and not common/mainstream is this?" criteria for choosing what their references are going to be. But they also keep an eye on the mainstream stuff, not because they LIKE IT, but because they NEED IT to create that image of "Oh, he's so smart and clever and knows so much things I never imagined they even existed, but at the same time he knows so much about popular culture and bla bla bla...".

4) With power over the conversation, they gain power over people. Let's see: if you THINK you're THAT smart, or if you ever feel you NEED to LOOK that smart, then you probably are going to be dead serious about not loosing that. So it makes some sense to imagine these two situations: if you ARE SMART (or think so), you'd probably be in a group of other smart people; if you NEED TO LOOK SMART, you'd probably be in a group of less smart people (so you can play the role of the smart one in front of others). Either way, you don't want to look stupid, right? So if you retain all the talk (or at least the major part of it), you don't give other people the chance to talk. By doing so, the impression that you are really that smart grows, and so the people tend to talk even less - in fear they're gonna sound stupid close to you. So it's a kind of end on it's own, a vicious cycle: you talk a lot, you retain attention, people start thinking you're a genius, they feel dumb, they get afraid of talking, you get more attention, and so on. People won't discuss with you - they won't even stop to think if what you're saying makes sense or all the contradictions you've let slip out of your tongue. You've said so much they think they can't contribute anymore...

5) Potentially, if this works, you'll also neutralize most attempts of "looking smart" coming from other "smart" people (real smart or pretentious smart, doesn't matter). This is not necessarily because they feel you are smart, but because they are TIRED AND BORED, and since you've already spread your "intelligence" and took control of things, they'll probably ignore the whole stupid thing and isolate themselves in some far-off corner.

6) If you have successfully destroyed any possibility of a contender, then the way to "being the smartest guy in the room" is not that far right now. By pragmatically using the strategy of "taking and making all the talk non-stop", you have done well in silencing everybody else. Now they're both impressed and tired. They won't even question it anymore - coming from you, whatever you say just "sounds right". And by now, your quotation ammo must be ending anyway, so you can say any shit you want and people will still think you're a genius. Congrats!

So I think the "blabberish" is the main weapon of "smart" people. Its like the “mothership” of arrogance and self-glorification from which all other techniques “to look smart” seems to derive from.

I have to admit that this REALLY annoys me. Because it's so pretentious, it's so URGH... so damn childish. Recently, I had a really bad experience with that. It was SO boring and SO disappointing. Specially when all you wanted was to laugh with your good old friends. But there's always a cocksuckerpainintheneck to ruin everything. The funniest part of all is that this kind of people are SO ridiculous that they're pretentious enough to make you questions once in a while, “giving you the opportunity to speak and socialize”, only to make fun of your answer and then quickly claiming all attention again. It's so stupid, really.

I wonder if people really like to talk. Or whatever “talk” means in their heads.

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